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The 613 Commandments of God (Mitzvot) – Torah and Old Testament

What are the 613 Commandments?

The 613 Commandments of the Torah, also known as “Mitzvot” (plural of the Hebrew word “Mitzvah”, which means Commandment of God), are the foundational principles of faith in Judaism. They are divided into two segments: 248 positive commandments (do’s) and 365 negative commandments (don’ts).

While most Christians consider the law to be invalid, I believe that the laws revealed by God are still to be upheld (you can find more about this topic here: Did Jesus Abolish the Law?). Because God is and has always been the same. His will has never changed. For example, in earlier times, God required sacrifices so that people would be willing to give up the most important things for Him. The law of God remains the same. It’s just that today, no one has a lamb to sacrifice. And even if they did, it wouldn’t have the same value as it did back then. But anyone today who is not willing to sacrifice their possessions for God will still be judged in the same way.

Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel. Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man. If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day? Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. (John 7:21-24)

For Christians: Jesus taught us to observe God’s commandments. Grace is obtained only by those who wholeheartedly keep God’s commandments.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:17-20)

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. (Mark 12:29-34)

In that sense, enjoy the 613 commandments (Mitzvot) which are originally written in the Torah.

The 248 Positive Commandments of the Mitzvot

  1. That we recognize that there is only one God. (Exodus 20:2)
  2. That God is unique. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
  3. That we should love God. (Deuteronomy 4:5)
  4. That we should fear God. (Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20)
  5. That we should serve God, which includes prayer. (Exodus 23:25)
  6. That we should cleave to God. (Deuteronomy 10:20)
  7. That we should swear by God’s name. (Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20)
  8. That we should strive to be similar to God in goodness and righteousness. (Leviticus 19:2)
  9. That we should sanctify God’s name. (Leviticus 22:32)
  10. That we should recite the Shema twice a day. (Deuteronomy 6:4,7)
  11. That we should learn and teach the Torah. (Deuteronomy 6:7)
  12. That we should wear Tefillin on the head. (Deuteronomy 6:8)
  13. That we should bind Tefillin on the arm. (Deuteronomy 6:8)
  14. That we should attach fringes (tzitzit) to the corners of our garments. (Numbers 15:38)
  15. That we should affix a Mezuzah to the doorposts of our homes. (Deuteronomy 6:9)
  16. That the people should gather at the end of every seventh year to hear the Torah read. (Deuteronomy 31:13)
  17. That every Israelite should write a Torah scroll. (Deuteronomy 31:19)
  18. That the king should have his own Torah scroll. (Deuteronomy 17:18)
  19. That we should recite blessings after meals. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
  20. That we should build a Temple in Jerusalem. (Exodus 25:8)
  21. To fear the Temple. (Leviticus 19:30)
  22. To constantly maintain the Temple’s service by the priests and Levites. (Numbers 18:23)
  23. That the Levites should serve in the sanctuary. (Numbers 18:23)
  24. That the priests should wash their hands and feet before the Temple service. (Exodus 30:19)
  25. That the priests should prepare the lamps in the sanctuary. (Exodus 27:21)
  26. That the priests should bless the people of Israel. (Numbers 6:23)
  27. To prepare showbread and incense before the Lord every Sabbath. (Exodus 25:30)
  28. To offer incense on the altar twice daily. (Exodus 30:1, Leviticus 4:7)
  29. That a continual fire should burn on the altar in the Temple. (Leviticus 6:2)
  30. To clean the ashes from the altar. (Leviticus 13)
  31. To send away all impure individuals from the camp (the Temple). (Leviticus 5:2)
  32. To honor the descendants of Aaron and give them precedence in all holy matters. (Numbers 21:8)
  33. That priests should wear priestly garments while serving in the Temple. (Exodus 28:2)
  34. That the Ark of the Covenant should be carried on the shoulders during travel. (Numbers 7:9)
  35. That the High Priests and Kings should be anointed with holy anointing oil. (Exodus 30:31)
  36. That the priests should alternate in Temple service, but all should serve during major festivals. (Numbers 18:6,8)
  37. That priests can become impure upon the death of close relatives and mourn for them. (Numbers 19:3)
  38. That the High Priest must marry a virgin. (Leviticus 21:13)
  39. To offer two daily lambs as burnt offerings. (Numbers 28:3)
  40. That the High Priest should offer a daily meal offering. (Leviticus 14)
  41. To offer an additional sacrifice on the Sabbath. (Numbers 28:9)
  42. To offer additional sacrifices on Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashanah. (Numbers 28:11)
  43. To offer a special fire offering on Passover. (Leviticus 23:8)
  44. To offer the firstfruits of the harvest on the second day of Passover. (Leviticus 23:10)
  45. To offer an extra sacrifice on Shavuot. (Numbers 28:26)
  46. That on Shavuot, two additional loaves of bread should be offered with the sacrifices than usual. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:17.
  47. That a special offering should be made on Rosh Hashanah. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 28:1.
  48. That a special offering should be made on the Fast Day (the 10th day of the month of Tishrei, Yom Kippur). 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 28:7.
  49. That the service of this day should be diligently performed. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 16:3, the entire chapter.
  50. That a special offering should be made during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 28:13.
  51. Also, that an additional offering should be made on the eighth day of Sukkot. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 28:35.
  52. To celebrate three main festivals each year. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 23:14.
  53. That all males should appear in Jerusalem during these three festivals. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 16:16.
  54. That one should rejoice during these festivals. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 16:14.
  55. That the Passover lamb must be slaughtered. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:6.
  56. That the Passover lamb should be eaten roasted. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:8.
  57. That those who were impure and unable to celebrate the Passover should do so on the 14th day of the second month. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 9:11.
  58. That at this mentioned festival, lamb should be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 9:11.
  59. That trumpets should be blown during offerings and when Israel is in distress. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 10:9, 10.
  60. That sacrificial animals must not be less than eight days old. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 22:27.
  61. That the animals to be sacrificed must be without blemish. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 22:21.
  62. That the offering must be sprinkled with salt. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 2:13.
  63. How to perform a burnt offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 1:3.
  64. How to perform a sin offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 6:25.
  65. How to perform a guilt offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 7:4.
  66. How to perform a thanksgiving offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 7:2.
  67. How to perform a grain offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 2:1.
  68. That the Sanhedrin must bring an offering if they have erred in the teachings of the law. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 4:13.
  69. That an individual must bring a sin offering if they have violated prohibitions and face the punishment of excision. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 4:27 and Chapter 5:1.
  70. That an individual must bring an offering if they are unsure if they have committed a sin for which they owe a sin offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:17, 17.
  71. That one who has erred in a trespass or committed theft or had forbidden sexual relations or denied something given to them to keep and swore falsely must bring an offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:15, 16; 6:2, 3.
  72. That one who cannot afford a large offering may bring a smaller one. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:7–11.
  73. That the sinner must confess all their sins when bringing an offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:7.
  74. That a man with a discharge, once he becomes clean, must bring an offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:13.
  75. That a woman with a discharge, once she becomes clean, must bring an offering. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:13.
  76. Similarly, a leper. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 14:10.
  77. Similarly, a woman after childbirth. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 12:6.
  78. That all livestock must be tithed. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 27:32.
  79. That the firstborn of pure animals must be sanctified and offered to the Lord. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 15:19.
  80. That the firstborn of humans (of the male gender) must be redeemed. Numbers 18:15.
  81. That the firstborn of a donkey must be redeemed. Exodus 13:13.
  82. That the neck of the firstborn donkey must be broken if it is not redeemed. Exodus 13:13.
  83. That all offerings, whether obligatory or voluntary, must be brought to Jerusalem in the Temple during the nearest festival (the three main festivals: Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot). Deuteronomy 12:5, 6.
  84. That all offerings must be brought to Jerusalem in the Temple. Deuteronomy 12:14.
  85. That all offerings for which a person has made a vow must be brought to Jerusalem, except for offerings related to the land of Israel (this is a matter of tradition). Deuteronomy 12:26.
  86. That all consecrated animals with a blemish must be redeemed. Deuteronomy 12:15.
  87. One should not exchange an animal that has been designated for an offering; otherwise, both the original and the replacement become the property of the Lord. Leviticus 27:10.
  88. That Aaron and his sons should eat the leftover portions of the meal offerings. Numbers 6:16.
  89. That the priests should consume the flesh of the sin and guilt offerings. Leviticus 29:33.
  90. That holy meat that has become impure must be burned. Leviticus 7:19.
  91. That the remaining pure meat must be burned on the third day. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 7:17.
  92. That a Nazirite (one who is consecrated to God) must let their hair grow. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 6:5.
  93. That a Nazirite can shave their hair if they become impure or when the time of their vow is over and they bring an offering. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 6:9.
  94. Whatever a person vows to offer or give as alms, they must fulfill. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:23.
  95. The annulment of a vow must be decided by the court. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 30:3.
  96. Anyone who touches a carcass of an animal that died naturally is impure. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 9:39.
  97. Eight kinds of creeping things become impure after their death. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 11:9.
  98. All foods can become impure. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 11:34.
  99. A woman who is menstruating is impure and can also make others impure. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:19.
  100. Similarly, a woman who has given birth. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 12:2.
  101. Similarly, a leper. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 13:3.
  102. Similarly, clothing with leprosy. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 13:47.
  103. Similarly, a leprous house. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 14:35.
  104. Similarly, a man with a discharge. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 12:2.
  105. Similarly, a person experiencing abnormal discharges. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:16.
  106. Similarly, such a woman. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:25.
  107. That a dead body imparts impurity. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 19:14.
  108. The water of a blood-flowing woman imparts impurity to a pure person and purifies an impure person from the impurity of a dead body. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 19:14.
  109. That all impurities can be cleansed through water (bathing). 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:16; by tradition, it is understood that immersion of the entire body in water is meant.
  110. Cleansing from leprosy involves two living clean birds, cedarwood, scarlet yarn, hyssop, and running (fresh) water. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:2.
  111. A leper must have his hair shaved off. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 14:9.
  112. A leper must tear his clothes, bare his head, and announce his impurity so that others do not become impure by contact with him. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 13:45.
  113. A red heifer must be burned, and its ashes must be brought outside the camp. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 19:9.
  114. If someone vows to give the value of a person to the sanctuary, the law regarding this must be followed. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 27:2.
  115. Similarly, the value of an unclean animal. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 17:11.
  116. Similarly, the value of one’s house. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 17:14.
  117. Similarly, the value of one’s field. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 17:16.
  118. One who deceives another in error must restore one-fifth over and above as compensation. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:16.
  119. The fruit of the fourth year is to be holy to the Lord. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:24.
  120. The corners of the field should be left for the poor. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:9.
  121. The gleanings of the harvest should be left for the poor. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:9.
  122. The forgotten sheaves should not be taken again. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 14:19.
  123. The small grapes that remain in the vineyard should be left (for the poor). 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:10.
  124. The individual berries should also not be picked again, for the scripture says, “You shall leave them for the poor and the foreigner.” 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:10.
  125. The firstfruits of the produce should be brought to the Temple.
  126. The great tithe should be set apart and given to the priest. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 18:4.
  127. The tenth part of the produce should be given to the Levites. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 18:21.
  128. The second tithe should be set apart and eaten in Jerusalem by the owners. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 15:2; this has been taught through tradition as well.
  129. The Levites must give a tenth of their tithe to the priests. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 18:26.
  130. That the tithe for the poor must be set apart, instead of the second tithe in the third and sixth years. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 14:28.
  131. That one must make a confession when giving the tithe. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 26:13.
  132. That the Law should be read when presenting the firstfruits of the produce. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 26:5.
  133. That one must set aside a cake for the priest from each batch of dough. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 15:20.
  134. That every field should lie fallow in the seventh year, and whatever grows on its own should be left for the poor. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 23:11.
  135. That one should not plow or cultivate the field in the seventh year. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 14:21.
  136. That the Jubilee year, every fiftieth year, should be sanctified with rest and cessation of work. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:10.
  137. That trumpets should be blown in the Jubilee year. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:9.
  138. That one should release the field in the seventh year, meaning to return it to its original owner. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:34.
  139. That a seller of a house in a walled city can reclaim it within a year. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:29.
  140. That every seven sets of seven years, the following year (the fiftieth) is a Jubilee year. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:8.
  141. That in every seventh Sabbatical year, all debts should be forgiven. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:2, 3.
  142. That one can collect a debt from a foreigner but not from a fellow Jew. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 15:3.
  143. That the priest must receive the shoulder, the cheeks, and the stomach from sacrificial animals. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 18:3.
  144. That the priest must receive the first fleece from the shearing of sheep. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 18:4.
  145. From all devoted property, some belongs to God and some belongs to the priests. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 27:28.
  146. That all animals and birds must be properly slaughtered in order to eat their meat. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 12:21.
  147. The blood of animals and birds must be covered. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 17:13.
  148. That one should not take the mother bird along with its young from a nest but should send away the mother. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:7.
  149. That the signs of clean animals must be properly examined. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 9:2.
  150. Similarly, the signs of clean birds. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 14:11.
  151. Similarly, the signs of clean locusts. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 11:21.
  152. Similarly, for fish. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 11:9.
  153. That the first day of each month should be sanctified, and the supreme court (Sanhedrin) alone should determine the months and years. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:2.
  154. That one should rest on the Sabbath. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 23:12.
  155. That one should sanctify the Sabbath. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 20:8.
  156. That on the eve of Passover, all leaven should be removed from the houses. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:15.
  157. That on the first evening of Passover, the story of the Exodus from Egypt should be told to one’s children. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 13:8.
  158. That on this evening, one should eat unleavened bread (as well as during the following days of the festival). 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:18.
  159. That one must rest on the first day of Passover. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:16.
  160. Similarly, on the seventh day of Passover. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 12:16.
  161. That one should count 49 days from the harvest. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:15.
  162. That one should rest on the 50th day. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:21. (Shavuot)
  163. That one should rest on the first day of the seventh month. (Rosh Hashanah)
  164. That one should afflict oneself on the tenth day of the same month. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 16:29.
  165. That one should rest on this festival day. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:32.
  166. That one should rest on the first day of Sukkot. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:25.
  167. Similarly, on the eighth day of the same festival. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:36.
  168. That one should dwell in booths (sukkot) for seven days on this festival. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:42.
  169. That one should take a palm branch (lulav) on the first day of this festival. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 23:40.
  170. That one should hear the sound of the shofar (horn) on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 29:1.
  171. That every Israelite should give an annual head tax in the Temple. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 30:13.
  172. That one should obey every prophet of their generation, provided they do not alter the Law. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 28:15.
  173. That Israel should appoint a king over themselves. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 27:15.
  174. That one should obey the Great Council (Sanhedrin). 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 17:11.
  175. That in court, every case should be decided by the majority vote. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 23:2.
  176. That judges and officers should be appointed in every community in Israel. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 16:18.
  177. That there should be no bias or preference in court regarding the litigants. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:15.
  178. That one must testify against their neighbor in court if they are able to do so truthfully. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 5:1.
  179. That the court must thoroughly investigate the witnesses to see if they are truthful. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 13:14.
  180. False witnesses should be punished with the same penalty they sought to impose on their neighbor through their false testimony. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 19:19.
  181. That one should break the neck of a heifer (if someone unintentionally commits manslaughter). 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 21:4.
  182. That six cities of refuge should be established. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 19:3.
  183. That the Levites should be given cities to dwell in, and these cities should also serve as places of refuge. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 35:2.
  184. That one should construct guardrails around rooftops. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:8.
  185. That those who engage in idolatry with the stars and planets should be exterminated. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 14:2.
  186. That Israelites who are led astray to commit idolatry should be put to death, and their cities should be burned. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 13:16.
  187. That the seven known nations in the land of Israel should be exterminated. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 20:17.
  188. That the seed of Amalek should be wiped out. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:19.
  189. That one should always remember what Amalek did to Israel. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:17.
  190. That warfare should be conducted according to the prescribed law. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 20:10.
  191. To anoint the priest for battle. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 20:2.
  192. To designate a place outside the camp for attending to needs. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 23:12.
  193. To have a small shovel, in addition to weapons, for covering excrement. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 12:10.
  194. To return stolen property. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 6:4.
  195. To give alms. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 15:8-11.
  196. To reward a Jewish male servant well, as well as a Jewish maidservant. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 15:14.
  197. To lend money to the poor. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:25; the word “Im” means not a mere suggestion but a command according to 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 15:8.
  198. To lend to a foreigner practicing idolatry with interest. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 23:20.
  199. To return a pledge to its owner. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 24:13.
  200. To pay a hired worker’s wages on time. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 24:15.
  201. To let a laborer eat from the fruit while working in the vineyard. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 23:24, 25.
  202. To help lift up the load that has fallen from a neighbor’s animal. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 23:5.
  203. To assist a neighbor in reloading the fallen load onto his animal. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:4.
  204. To return a lost item to the owner. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:1.
  205. To admonish and rebuke a sinning neighbor. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:17.
  206. To love all your fellow covenanters. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:18.
  207. To love the stranger. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 10:19.
  208. To have a just weight and a just measure. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:36.
  209. To honor the wise. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:32.
  210. To honor father and mother. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 20:12.
  211. To fear them. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 19:3.
  212. To be fruitful and multiply. 1st Book of Moses (Genesis) 1:28.
  213. To marry with prior betrothal. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 24:1.
  214. To rejoice with one’s young wife during the first year of marriage, free from war and public obligations. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 24:5.
  215. To circumcise sons on the eighth day after birth. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 12:3.
  216. To marry the widow of a childless brother. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 5:5.
  217. To perform chalitzah (removing the shoe) for this widow if you do not marry her. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:9.
  218. To marry a virgin whom one has seduced. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:29.
  219. And he must keep this woman for his entire life; he can never give her a divorce. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:19.
  220. If a man persuades a virgin and lies with her, and her father does not permit him to marry her, he must pay the father fifty shekels, in addition to other costs. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:16.
  221. With a beautiful woman captured in war, one must act according to the law’s regulations. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 21:11.
  222. Divorce must be done through a written divorce certificate. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 24:1.
  223. Adulterers are to be dealt with according to the law. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 5:30.
  224. The wicked shall be chastised with blows. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:2.
  225. One who unintentionally committed manslaughter should be exiled (to one of the cities of refuge); see Commandment 182. 4th Book of Moses (Numbers) 35:25.
  226. The court may execute judgment through the sword. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:20.
  227. Also through hanging. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 20:10.
  228. Also through burning. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 20:14.
  229. Also through stoning. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 22:24.
  230. Also through hanging. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 21:22.
  231. The deceased must be buried on the same day. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 21:23.
  232. A Hebrew servant should be judged according to the law. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:2.
  233. One should marry a purchased Hebrew maidservant. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:8.
  234. If she does not please him, he should set her free. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:8.
  235. A Canaanite servant must serve forever. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:46.
  236. A man who wounds another must pay a fine. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:18.
  237. The owner of an animal causing damage must compensate for it. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:35.
  238. One who causes damage through a pit he owns must make restitution. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:35.
  239. A thief must either pay or, depending on the circumstances, may be put to death. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 21:1, 2, 16.
  240. If someone’s livestock causes damage to a neighbor’s field, the court must pass judgment. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:5.
  241. The court should also judge cases involving damage by fire. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:6.
  242. Likewise, judgment should be rendered when an unpaid guardian of property has neglected it, causing harm. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:7.
  243. Similarly, when a paid guardian of property is involved. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:10.
  244. The same applies to a borrower of property. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:14.
  245. The court must also render judgment in matters of buying and selling. 3rd Book of Moses (Leviticus) 25:14.
  246. Likewise, for disputes between a plaintiff and defendant. 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) 22:9.
  247. One must rescue a pursued person, even at the cost of the pursuer’s life. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 25:12.
  248. Judgment should be made concerning inheritance. 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) 27:8.

365 Negative Commandments of the Mitzvot

  1. That one should believe in no other God but the Eternal, our God. Exodus 20:3.
  2. That one should not make, whether by oneself or through others, images of Him. Exodus 20:4.
  3. That one should not practice star and planet worship, nor do so for others’ pleasure. Leviticus 19:31.
  4. That one should not make images for the Cuthaeans (heathens), even if they do not worship them. Exodus 20:23.
  5. That no one should bow down to serve the stars and planets, even if this star-worship does not involve bowing. Exodus 20:5.
  6. That one should not serve things that are associated with the stars and planets. Exodus 20:5.
  7. That no one should allow his son (or daughter) to go to Molech (through fire). Leviticus 18:21.
  8. That one should not engage in the practice of Obh (i.e., divination). Leviticus 19:31.
  9. That one should not engage in the practice of Jidoni (i.e., soothsaying). Leviticus 19:31.
  10. That one should not gaze at star and planet worship. Leviticus 19:4.
  11. That one should not erect pillars (Astarte). Numbers 16:22.
  12. That one should not erect images (painted stone). Leviticus 26:1.
  13. That one should not plant a tree in the temple. Numbers 16:21.
  14. That one should not swear by stars and planets (i.e., false gods) or induce others to do so. Exodus 23:13.
  15. That no one should lead the children of Israel into star and planet worship. Exodus 23:13.
  16. That no one should force another into idolatry. Deuteronomy 13:11.
  17. That one should not love a deceiver. Deuteronomy 13:8.
  18. That one should not cease to hate a deceiver. Deuteronomy 13:8.
  19. That one should not rescue a deceiver (if he is in danger), but rather help him to his death. Deuteronomy 13:8.
  20. That the deceived one should not defend the deceiver. Deuteronomy 13:8.
  21. That the deceived one should not conceal the guilt of the deceiver (i.e., his deception) if he knows of it. Deuteronomy 13:8.
  22. That no one should use the things with which the idols are adorned and clothed. Deuteronomy 7:25.
  23. That an idolatrous city should not be rebuilt (if it has once been destroyed, as the law commands). Deuteronomy 13:16.
  24. That one should not make use of the spoils from an idolatrous city. Deuteronomy 13:17.
  25. That one should neither use the things that pertain to idolatry nor accept gifts from them, nor drink any wine that is dedicated to them. Deuteronomy 7:26.
  26. That no one should use their name (i.e., the names of idols) for divination. Deuteronomy 18:20.
  27. That no one should prophesy falsely. Deuteronomy 18:20.
  28. That no one should listen to the one who prophesies in the name of an idol. Deuteronomy 13:3.
  29. That no one should intercede when a false prophet is killed, nor should one be afraid to kill him. Deuteronomy 18:22.
  30. That no one should walk in the customs of the idolaters and their practices. Exodus 20:23.
  31. That no one should turn to prophecy. Deuteronomy 18:10.
  32. That no one should practice sorcery. Leviticus 19:26.
  33. That no one should choose days for this purpose. Leviticus 19:26.
  34. That no one should engage in magical arts.
  35. That no one should conjure spirits. Deuteronomy 18:11.
  36. That no one should consult the oracle (Obh). Deuteronomy 18:11.
  37. That no one should consult the oracle (Jidoni). Deuteronomy 18:11.
  38. That no one should inquire of the dead in a dream. Deuteronomy 18:11.
  39. That a woman should not wear men’s clothing. Deuteronomy 22:5.
  40. That a man should not wear women’s clothing. Deuteronomy 22:5.
  41. That no one should write or etch anything on their body, as those who serve the stars and planets do. Leviticus 19:28.
  42. That no one should wear clothing of two kinds (wool and linen woven together). Deuteronomy 22:11.
  43. That no one should round off the hair on their temples, as idolatrous priests do. Leviticus 19:27.
  44. That no one should mar the edges of their beard, as idolatrous priests do. Leviticus 19:27.
  45. That no one should make gashes in their flesh or cut themselves, as idolaters do. Deuteronomy 14:1.
  46. That one should not return to Egypt to live there again. Deuteronomy 17:16.
  47. That no one should follow the desires of their heart and eyes. Numbers 15:39.
  48. That one should not make a covenant with the seven nations. Deuteronomy 20:16.
  49. That no one should allow any of the seven nations to live. Deuteronomy 24:6.
  50. You shall show no mercy to those who practice idolatry. Deuteronomy 7:2.
  51. That one should not allow idolaters to dwell in the land. Exodus 23:33.
  52. That one should not make alliances with idolaters. Deuteronomy 7:3.
  53. That an Israelite daughter should never marry an Ammonite or a Moabite. Deuteronomy 23:33.
  54. An Edomite should not be excluded from the community until the third generation. Deuteronomy 23:7.
  55. That we should not exclude the Egyptians from the community until the third generation.
  56. That during times of war, we should not offer peace to the Ammonites and Moabites, as we would to other nations. Deuteronomy 23:7.
  57. That during times of war, we should not destroy fruit-bearing trees. Deuteronomy 20:19.
  58. That soldiers should not fear or be dismayed, even in the face of their enemies in battle. Deuteronomy 2:3; 7:21; 3:22.
  59. That we should not forget the evil that Amalek did to us. Deuteronomy 25:19.
  60. That we should strive to praise God. Deuteronomy 22:28.
  61. That no one should make a rash oath. Leviticus 19:12.
  62. That no one should swear falsely. Exodus 20:7.
  63. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain (profane it).
  64. You shall not test the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:16.
  65. That no one should defile the sanctuary (Temple), the synagogue, the school; also, no one should erase holy names of God or deface holy scriptures. Deuteronomy 12:2, 4.
  66. That a person who is hanged should not remain overnight on the gallows. Deuteronomy 21:23.
  67. That one should not cease from guarding the Temple.
  68. That the priest should not enter the Temple at all times. Leviticus 16:12.
  69. That no one who has a blemish on their body should approach the altar and enter further into the Temple. Leviticus 21:23.
  70. That no one with a blemish should serve in the Temple. Leviticus 21:17.
  71. That no one with a blemish should serve in the Temple, even for a short time. Leviticus 21:21.
  72. That the Levites should not perform the duties of the priests and vice versa. Numbers 18:3.
  73. A person who has drunk wine should not enter the Temple or teach the law on that same day. Leviticus 10:9, 11.
  74. No stranger should serve in the Temple. Numbers 18:4.
  75. No impure priest should attend in the Temple. Leviticus 22:2.
  76. Nor a priest who must wash himself due to impurity on the same day when it becomes evening. Leviticus 22:2.
  77. An impure priest should not enter the courtyard of the Temple. Numbers 5:3.
  78. That no impure person should enter the camp of the Levites. Deuteronomy 23:10.
  79. That the altar should not be built with hewn stones. Exodus 20:25.
  80. That one should not ascend the altar using steps. Exodus 20:26.
  81. That incense and offerings should not be offered on a golden altar. Exodus 30:9.
  82. That the fire on the altar should not be allowed to go out. Leviticus 6:13.
  83. That the anointing oil should be made exactly to the prescribed weight. Exodus 30:32.
  84. That no outsider should use such anointing oil. Exodus 30:32.
  85. That no private individual should make the incense as it is required in the Temple. Exodus 30:37.
  86. That the poles should not be removed from the Ark of the Covenant. Exodus 25:15.
  87. That the breastplate should not be detached from the ephod of the High Priest. Exodus 28:28.
  88. That the upper robe of the High Priest should not be torn. Exodus 28:32.
  89. That one should not offer sacrifices outside of the Temple. Deuteronomy 12:13.
  90. That one should not slaughter sacrifices outside of the Temple. Leviticus 17:3, 4.
  91. That one should not bring defective items to the altar. Leviticus 22:22.
  92. That defective sacrifices should not be slaughtered. Leviticus 22:22.
  93. That the blood of unclean animals should not be sprinkled on the altar. Leviticus 22:24.
  94. That defective parts of the sacrifices should not be offered as incense. Leviticus 22:22.
  95. That no animal with even a temporary, accidental defect should be offered. Deuteronomy 17:1.
  96. No defective animal received from the hands of the heathen should be offered. Leviticus 22:25.
  97. One should not make a defect in an animal designated for sacrifice. Leviticus 22:2.
  98. One should not offer leavened bread or honey on the altar. Leviticus 2:11.
  99. That unsalted offerings should not be made. Leviticus 2:13.
  100. That wages of a prostitute or the price of a dog should not be offered. Deuteronomy 23:18.
  101. An animal and its young should not be slaughtered on the same day. Leviticus 22:28.
  102. That no olive oil should be placed on a sin offering. Leviticus 5:11.
  103. Nor should any incense be put on it. Leviticus 5:11.
  104. That no oil should be placed on the offering of an adulteress. Numbers 5:15.
  105. Nor any incense.
  106. Sacrificial animals should not be exchanged. Leviticus 27:10.
  107. An offering designated for one purpose should not be used for another. Leviticus 27:26.
  108. That the firstborn of pure animals should not be redeemed. Numbers 18:17.
  109. Tithes of animals should not be sold. Leviticus 27:33.
  110. A field placed under a ban should not be sold. Leviticus 27:28.
  111. Nor should it be redeemed.
  112. The head of the sin-offering bird should not be cut off. Leviticus 5:8.
  113. No work should be done with consecrated animals. Deuteronomy 15:19.
  114. Holy animals should not be shorn.
  115. The Passover lamb should not be slaughtered while there is still leavened bread in the house. Exodus 23:18.
  116. Nothing from the Passover lamb should be kept overnight, and it should not be left unconsumed until the morning. Exodus 23:18.
  117. Nothing from the flesh of the Passover lamb should remain until morning. Exodus 12:10.
  118. Nothing from the offering on the 14th day (on the eve of Passover, which falls in the month of Nisan) should remain until the third day. Numbers 16:4. (Namely, until the second day of Passover, the third day, when it was slaughtered, as tradition dictates.)
  119. Nothing from the flesh of the other Passover lamb (see Numbers 9:12) should remain until the next morning. Numbers 9:12.
  120. Nothing from the guilt offering and likewise from the flesh of all other holy offerings should be left until morning. Leviticus 7:15; Exodus 12:10.
  121. That one should not break a bone of the Passover lamb. Exodus 12:46.
  122. That one should not break a bone of the other Passover lamb (if someone was prevented from eating the Passover lamb on the 14th day of the first month due to impurity or a long journey, they must eat it on the 14th day of the second month). Numbers 9:12.
  123. That nothing from the Passover lamb should be carried outside the assembly. Exodus 12:46.
  124. That the remaining offerings should not be leavened. Leviticus 6:16.
  125. That the Passover lamb should be eaten roasted, not raw or boiled. Exodus 12:9.
  126. That the Passover lamb should not be given to a resident alien. Exodus 12:46.
  127. That no uncircumcised person should eat the Passover lamb. Exodus 12:46.
  128. That the Passover lamb should not be given to an apostate Israelite who has turned to idolatry. Exodus 12:43.
  129. That no unclean person should eat holy things. Leviticus 7:20.
  130. That one should not eat holy meat that has become impure. Leviticus 7:12.
  131. That one should not eat what is left over from the offerings. Leviticus 19:8.
  132. That one should not eat things that are cursed and abominable. Leviticus 7:18.
  133. No stranger should eat from the holy offering. Leviticus 22:10.
  134. That no household member of the priests or hired worker should eat from the holy things (here and in the following three prohibitions, it refers to what must be given to the priests as a gift). Leviticus 22:10.
  135. That no uncircumcised person should eat from the holy things. Exodus 12:48. (This prohibition originally applies only to the Passover lamb, but the Talmudists have applied it to anything with sanctity.)
  136. That no unclean priest should eat from the holy things. Leviticus 12:4.
  137. That no defiled person (a priest’s daughter who married a foreigner) should eat from the holy offering, neither from the breast nor from the thigh. Leviticus 22:12.
  138. That one should not eat a priest’s food offering but burn it entirely. Leviticus 6:23.
  139. That the flesh of a sin-offering whose blood was brought into the Tent of Meeting to make atonement in the holy place should not be eaten. Leviticus 6:23.
  140. That intentionally defective offerings should not be eaten.
  141. That the second tithe of grain should not be eaten outside Jerusalem.
  142. Likewise, the second tithe of wine.
  143. Likewise, the second tithe of oil. (For all three prohibitions, see Deuteronomy 12:17.)
  144. That one should not eat a defective firstborn (of cattle) outside Jerusalem. Deuteronomy 12:17.
  145. That the priests should not eat guilt and sin offerings outside the Temple courtyard. Deuteronomy 12:17.
  146. That the flesh of a burnt offering should not be eaten.
  147. That one should not eat before sprinkling the blood, even of the lesser offerings whose flesh should not be eaten. Deuteronomy 12:17.
  148. That no stranger should eat holy flesh. Exodus 29:33.
  149. That a priest should not eat the firstfruits until they have been brought into the Temple. Deuteronomy 12:17.
  150. That the second tithe should not be eaten in impurity, even in Jerusalem, until it has been lifted. Deuteronomy 26:14.
  151. That one should not eat the second tithe in a state of sadness. Deuteronomy 12:14.
  152. That one should not exchange anything for the second tithe that is not meant to be eaten. Deuteronomy 26:14.
  153. That one should not eat unprocessed food (everything that grows from the earth must be tithed). Leviticus 22:15.
  154. That everything should be given according to the order, namely, first the first fruits, then the great offering for the priest, then the first and finally the second tithe. Exodus 22:29.
  155. That no one should delay vows and voluntary offerings. Numbers 23:21.
  156. That no one should go up to Jerusalem without an offering. Exodus 23:15.
  157. That no one should break their own vows. Numbers 30:3.
  158. That no priest should marry a harlot.
  159. Nor a common woman.
  160. Nor one who has been put away by her husband. Numbers 21:7. For all three prohibitions.
  161. That the High Priest should not marry a widow. Numbers 21:14.
  162. That the High Priest should not marry a widow without betrothal. Numbers 21:15.
  163. That the priest must enter the sanctuary with a bare head. Leviticus 10:6.
  164. That the priest should not enter the sanctuary with torn clothes. Leviticus 10:6.
  165. That the priest should not leave the Temple during service. Leviticus 10:7.
  166. That no priest should defile himself for the dead, unless it is a close relative. Numbers 21:1.
  167. That the High Priest should not defile himself for his deceased parents. Numbers 21:11.
  168. That he should not go where a dead body lies. Numbers 21:11.
  169. That the tribe of Levi should not have a portion of the holy land. Numbers 18:2.
  170. That they should not have a portion in the spoils when the promised land is conquered. Numbers 18:1.
  171. That one should not make themselves bald for the dead. Deuteronomy 14:1.
  172. That one should not eat unclean animals. Leviticus 11:4.
  173. Nor unclean fish. Leviticus 11:11.
  174. Nor unclean birds. Leviticus 11:13.
  175. Nor flying insects. Deuteronomy 14:19.
  176. Nor creeping animals. Leviticus 11:44.
  177. Nor any creeping creature.
  178. Nor worms found in fruits. Leviticus 11:42.
  179. Nor crawling creatures found in the water. Leviticus 11:43.
  180. Nor dead animals that were not properly slaughtered but died of themselves. Deuteronomy 14:21.
  181. Nor shall you eat any torn flesh. Exodus 22:31.
  182. That you shall not eat any limb of a living animal. Deuteronomy 22:23.
  183. That you shall not eat the sciatic nerve. Genesis 32:32.
  184. That you shall not eat blood. Leviticus 7:26.
  185. That you shall not eat the fat of an ox, a sheep, or a goat, whether from the sacrifice or from ordinary consumption. Leviticus 7:23.
  186. That you shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk. Exodus 23:19 and Exodus 34:26.
  187. That you shall not eat meat with milk. The same verse but in Deuteronomy 14:21.
  188. That you shall not eat the flesh of a slaughtered ox that was stoned. Exodus 21:18.
  189. That you shall not eat bread from the new harvest before Passover. Exodus 23:14.
  190. That you shall not eat parched grains from the new harvest.
  191. That you shall not eat unripe ears from the new harvest.
  192. That you shall not eat the fruit of a young tree before it is three years old. Leviticus 19:23.
  193. You shall not eat fruit from two kinds of seed that are planted in a vineyard. Deuteronomy 22:9.
  194. That you shall not drink idolatrous wine. Deuteronomy 22:38.
  195. That you shall not eat and drink in a gluttonous and drunken manner. Deuteronomy 21:20.
  196. That you shall fast on Yom Kippur. Leviticus 23:29.
  197. That you shall not eat leavened bread during the Passover festival. Exodus 13:3.
  198. Nor a mixture containing leaven. Exodus 12:20.
  199. On the eve of Passover, you shall not eat leavened bread after the sixth hour of the day. Deuteronomy 16:3.
  200. No leaven shall be found in your houses during the Passover festival. Exodus 13:7.
  201. No leaven shall be found throughout your territory. Exodus 12:19.
  202. That a Nazirite shall not consume anything that comes from grapes, whether wine or anything else with a grape flavor. Numbers 6:3.
  203. Nor fresh grapes.
  204. Nor dried grapes (raisins).
  205. Nor grape seeds (grape skins).
  206. Nor grape husks.
  207. Nor become impure through contact with the dead. Numbers 6:7.
  208. Nor enter a place where there is a dead body. Numbers 6:6; Numbers 21:2, 11.
  209. Not cut his hair. Numbers 6:5.
  210. That you shall not completely harvest all the crops from your field. Leviticus 19:9.
  211. You shall not pick up the fallen ears. Leviticus 19:9.
  212. You shall not pick grapes that have fallen in your vineyard or gather the grapes that have been left behind. Leviticus 19:10.
  213. Nor shall you gather the fallen grapes.
  214. You shall not go back to get the sheaves you left behind, nor shall you gather the ears of grain that remain. Leave them for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow. Deuteronomy 24:19-20.
  215. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed. Leviticus 19:19.
  216. You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed. Deuteronomy 22:9.
  217. You shall not crossbreed animals of different species. Leviticus 19:19.
  218. You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together. Deuteronomy 22:10.
  219. You shall not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain. Deuteronomy 25:4.
  220. You shall not cultivate your fields or prune your vineyards during the sabbatical year. Leviticus 25:4.
  221. Nor shall you cultivate the trees during that year.
  222. You shall not reap what grows on its own during the sabbatical year. Leviticus 25:5.
  223. Nor shall you gather the grapes that grow on their own during that year. Leviticus 25:11.
  224. You shall not cultivate the fields or prune the vineyards during the Jubilee year. Leviticus 25:11.
  225. Nor shall you reap what grows on its own during that year.
  226. Nor shall you gather the grapes that grow on their own during that year.
  227. No field in Israel shall be sold in perpetuity. Leviticus 25:23.
  228. The suburbs and fields of the Levites shall not be changed. Leviticus 25:34.
  229. You shall not forsake the Levites; you shall help them. Deuteronomy 12:19.
  230. You shall not demand payment of a debt once the seventh year approaches. Deuteronomy 15:2.
  231. You shall not cease lending to the poor due to the seventh year drawing near. Deuteronomy 15:9.
  232. You shall not withhold your assistance from the poor; whoever lends to them is fulfilling a commandment, but whoever withholds assistance transgresses a prohibition. Deuteronomy 15:7.
  233. A Hebrew servant shall not be sent away empty-handed. Deuteronomy 15:13.
  234. You shall not demand payment of a debt from a fellow Israelite if you know that they have nothing to pay. Exodus 22:25.
  235. You shall not charge your fellow Israelite interest on a loan, whether of money or food or anything else that may earn interest. Leviticus 25:37.
  236. You shall not take interest from your brother on a loan of money or food or anything else that may earn interest. Deuteronomy 23:19.
  237. You shall not play the part of a creditor; neither shall you play the part of a debtor. Neither shall you play the part of an intermediary between the two, demanding from him who lends and not returning to him who borrows, unless it be with his consent. Deuteronomy 23:20-21.
  238. You shall not withhold overnight the wages of your workers, whether those who work for you by day or a hired worker who is poor and needy. Leviticus 19:13.
  239. You shall not take a pledge by force. Deuteronomy 24:10.
  240. You shall not retain the wages of a hired worker overnight until morning. Leviticus 19:13.
  241. You shall not take a widow’s garment as security for a loan. Deuteronomy 24:17.
  242. You shall not take a millstone or an upper millstone as security for a loan, for that would be taking a life as security. Deuteronomy 24:6.
  243. You shall not steal an Israelite. Exodus 20:15.
  244. You shall not steal money or property. Leviticus 19:11.
  245. You shall not rob. Leviticus 19:13.
  246. You shall not move your neighbor’s boundary marker. Deuteronomy 19:14.
  247. You shall not oppress your neighbor. Leviticus 19:13.
  248. You shall not deny justice to your poor in their lawsuits. Exodus 23:6.
  249. You shall not pervert justice.
  250. You shall not cheat in measures of length, weight, or capacity. Leviticus 19:35.
  251. You shall have honest balances, honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin. Leviticus 19:36.
  252. You shall not cheat your fellow in buying or selling. Leviticus 25:14.
  253. You shall not cheat with words. Leviticus 25:17.
  254. You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him. Exodus 22:20.
  255. You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him. Exodus 23:9.
  256. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. Exodus 22:21.
  257. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. Exodus 22:22.
  258. You shall not make your fellow into a slave. Leviticus 25:39.
  259. You shall not sell him as a slave. Leviticus 25:42.
  260. You shall not rule over him ruthlessly. Leviticus 25:46.
  261. You shall not let a non-Israelite rule over a Hebrew servant who has been sold to you. Leviticus 25:53.
  262. You shall not withhold from your maidservant her right to food, clothing, and marital relations. Exodus 21:10.
  263. You shall not sell a beautiful woman you have taken captive as a maidservant. Deuteronomy 21:14.
  264. You shall not use a beautiful woman as a maidservant.
  265. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. Exodus 20:17.
  266. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. Deuteronomy 5:21.
  267. No laborer shall eat from the crop standing in the field until he has completed his work in that field. Deuteronomy 23:25.
  268. No laborer shall pick anything from the vineyard that he has not completed, up to the first week of the eighth year, when his time [of work] will be completed. Deuteronomy 23:24.
  269. You shall not turn away [from helping] your neighbor. You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor. Leviticus 19:16.
  270. You shall not see the donkey of your brother or his ox fall by the way and hide yourself from them; you shall surely stand them up with him. Deuteronomy 22:4.
  271. You shall not cheat with measures of length, weight, or capacity; you shall have honest scales and honest weights. Leviticus 19:35.
  272. You shall not have in your pouch two different weights, one large and one small. Deuteronomy 25:13-14.
  273. You shall not pervert justice. Deuteronomy 19:15.
  274. Judges shall not take a bribe. Exodus 23:8.
  275. Judges shall not favor one litigant over the other. Deuteronomy 19:15.
  276. You shall not pervert the judgment of a poor person in his grievance. Exodus 23:6.
  277. You shall not pervert the judgment of a poor stranger in his grievance. Exodus 23:3.
  278. You shall not turn away the judgment of your destitute person in his grievance. Exodus 23:6.
  279. You shall not pity him [the criminal] and you shall not spare [him]. Deuteronomy 19:13.
  280. You shall not subvert the judgment of your destitute person in his grievance. Deuteronomy 24:17.
  281. You shall not favor a poor person in his lawsuit. Exodus 23:1.
  282. You shall distance yourself from a false matter. Exodus 23:7.
  283. You shall not bring death upon the innocent. Exodus 23:7.
  284. You shall not appoint a judge who lacks knowledge of the law, except in a case where you cannot find one who possesses knowledge of the law. Deuteronomy 1:17.
  285. You shall not bear false witness. Exodus 20:16.
  286. You shall not bear false witness. Exodus 23:1.
  287. You shall not bear false witness. Deuteronomy 24:16.
  288. The testimony of one witness shall not be valid. Deuteronomy 19:15.
  289. You shall not condemn an innocent and righteous person to death, for I will not justify the wicked. Exodus 23:7.
  290. You shall not render a verdict based on presumption. Deuteronomy 23:7.
  291. No person may serve as both judge and witness in the same case. Numbers 35:30.
  292. You shall not put to death [the accused] on the testimony of a single witness. Numbers 35:12.
  293. One who kills [another] unintentionally, without having hated him in the past. Deuteronomy 19:6.
  294. One who kills unintentionally, without having hated him in the past. Exodus 21:13.
  295. You shall not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of a capital crime; he must be put to death. Numbers 35:31.
  296. You shall not accept ransom for one who has fled to a city of refuge, enabling him to return to live in the land before the kohen gadol’s death. Numbers 35:32.
  297. You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13.
  298. Do not bring blood guilt upon your house. Deuteronomy 22:8.
  299. Do not place a stumbling block before a blind person. Leviticus 19:14.
  300. You shall not strike him more than these forty lashes; you shall not give him an additional lash. Deuteronomy 25:3.
  301. That no one shall slander their neighbor. Leviticus 19:16.
  302. That one shall not hate their neighbor in their heart. Leviticus 19:17.
  303. That one shall not shame their neighbor.
  304. That no one shall seek revenge. Leviticus 19:18.
  305. That one shall not hold onto hatred.
  306. That when capturing birds, one shall not take the mother with the young. Deuteronomy 22:6.
  307. That one shall not shave the hair affected by tzara’ath (skin disease). Leviticus 13:33.
  308. That one shall not conceal the signs of tzara’ath. Leviticus 24:8.
  309. That no one shall build or plow in the rocky valley where a young cow was stoned to death (because of an undiscovered murderer). Deuteronomy 21:4.
  310. That one shall not allow a sorcerer to live. Exodus 22:18.
  311. That no groom shall be bound to go to war, guard the city walls, or engage in any other communal activities. Deuteronomy 24:11.
  312. That one must not disobey the court’s judgment. Deuteronomy 17:11.
  313. That no one shall add anything to the commandments of the law, neither to the written nor the oral law. Deuteronomy 12:32.
  314. Also, that no one shall subtract anything from them.
  315. That no one shall curse a judge. Exodus 22:27.
  316. Nor shall one curse the leader, whether he be a king or the head of the assembly in the land of Israel.
  317. That no one shall curse anyone else among the Israelites. Leviticus 19:14.
  318. One shall not curse their father or mother. Exodus 21:17.
  319. Nor shall one strike them. Exodus 21:15.
  320. One shall not perform any labor on the Sabbath. Exodus 20:10.
  321. That no one shall travel beyond the city limits on the Sabbath as a traveler. Exodus 16:29.
  322. That no one shall kindle a fire in their dwelling on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:3.
  323. That no one shall perform any labor on the first day of Passover. Leviticus 23:7.
  324. Nor on the seventh day of this festival.
  325. On the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot), one shall not perform any labor. Leviticus 23:21.
  326. Nor on the first day of the seventh month, Rosh Hashanah.
  327. Nor on Yom Kippur.
  328. Nor on the first day of Sukkot.
  329. Nor on the eighth day of this festival.
  330. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of their mother. Leviticus 18:7.
  331. Nor the nakedness of a sister.
  332. Nor the nakedness of his father’s wife.
  333. Nor the nakedness of his sister, whether the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother.
  334. Nor the nakedness of his son’s daughter. Leviticus 18:10.
  335. Nor the nakedness of his daughter’s daughter.
  336. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his daughter. Leviticus 18:10.
  337. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his wife and also that of her daughter.
  338. Nor the nakedness of his son’s daughter, or
  339. The nakedness of his daughter’s daughter.
  340. Nor the nakedness of his mother’s sister, or
  341. Nor the nakedness of his father’s sister.
  342. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his father’s brother’s wife. Leviticus 18:14.
  343. Nor the nakedness of his son’s wife.
  344. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his brother’s wife.
  345. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his wife’s sister.
  346. Nor the nakedness of an impure woman.
  347. Nor the nakedness of another man’s wife.
  348. That no one shall lie with an animal.
  349. That a woman shall not give herself to an animal.
  350. That no man shall have relations with another man.
  351. That no one shall uncover the nakedness of his father.
  352. Nor the nakedness of his father’s brother.
  353. That no one shall approach forbidden women out of desire, through embracing, kissing, winking, closing the mouth, etc.
  354. That no bastard shall marry an Israelite daughter. Deuteronomy 23:2.
  355. That no harlot shall be among the Israelites.
  356. That no one shall remarry his divorced wife if she has already been married to another. Deuteronomy 24:4.
  357. That a brother’s wife shall not marry anyone else except her brother-in-law. Deuteronomy 25:5.
  358. That one shall not abandon a deflowered virgin whom he has humbled by force. Deuteronomy 22:29.
  359. Whoever has made a bad reputation for his wife must never leave her.
  360. A eunuch shall not marry an Israelite daughter. Deuteronomy 23:1.
  361. That one shall not castrate anything belonging to the male sex, whether it be a human, animal, or bird. Deuteronomy 22:24.
  362. That no foreigner shall be chosen as king over Israel. Deuteronomy 17:16.
  363. That the king shall not have many horses.
  364. Nor take many wives.
  365. Nor accumulate much gold and silver.

Here you can find a list of the ten commandments: The 10 Commandments in the Bible

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